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21st International Children’s Ethno Festival
„Children on the Balkans – with their
Spiritual Wealth in Europe”

Mineralni Bani (Mineral Springs) village, Haskovo Region

31 May - 01 June 2024

Organized by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB)
and Charity Fund “Prof. Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov”
With the assistance of Mineralni Bani Municipality
Media partner: Bulgarian National Television

time is running out









about the event

International Children’s Ethno Festival

The aim of the festival is:
Creating opportunities for the development of children’s potential for expression
and discovering young talents in the field of musical and dance arts.
Preserving the authentic culture of the region’s ethnic groups, its reflection in the
common European cultural space, and its contribution to maintaining the cultural
diversity of Europe and the world.
Promoting the integration of children with specific needs.


Since 2013 the media partner of the festival has been the Bulgarian National Television (BNT). Each year a BNT team produces a documentary and two concerts from the Children’s Ethno Festival with the most exciting performances of the participants.


Participants compete in three age groups – from 5 to 18 years in the following categories: vocal – folklore, pop, jazz and rock singing, instrumental – folk and classical musical instruments, dance – folklore, modern dance (modern ballet, street dance, hip-hop), character dance and classical ballet.


On 31 May 2024 at 10 a.m., the 21st International Children’s Ethno Festival will be opened at the Summer Theatre of the village of Mineralni Bani. The festival will last until the afternoon of 1 June, when the official award ceremony will take place. We expect children from different ethnic groups and regions of Bulgaria and abroad to participate. We will be happy to welcome guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, India, Moldova, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey.

Mineralni Bani (Mineral Springs) village, Haskovo Region

31 May - 01 June 2024

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about the event

Categories of the festival

Individual performer of folk songs

  • The participants from the first age group shall perform 2 folk songs with a total duration of 5 min.
  • Participants from the second and third age groups shall perform one fast and one slow folk song with a total duration of 5 minutes.
  • The accompaniment is optional – singback, separate instrument, or orchestra (up to 5 persons).

Individual performers of original (author’s) songs

  • The performers from all age groups perform 2 songs with a total duration of up to 5 min.
  • The accompaniment is optional – singback, one instrument or orchestra (up to 5 persons)

Individual performers with folk instruments

  • The performers from all three age groups perform 2 folk dances – horo (or one slow melody and one folk dance) with a total duration of 5 min.

Individual performances on classical and contemporary instruments

  • Participants from all age groups perform 2 pieces for up to 5 min.

Individual performers – dancers

  • Participants from all age groups perform a program of up to 5 min.

Individual performers of pop, jazz and rock songs

  • Participants from all age groups shall perform 2 folk songs with a total duration of 5 min.
  • Accompaniment is optional – singback, one instrument, or orchestra (up to 5 persons).


  • In the application form the name of the individual performer should be indicated.
  • In case of an accompaniment with a musical instrument – the name of the performer and the type of instrument should be indicated

Chamber vocal groups performing pop, jazz or rock songs

  • The number of participants in the groups is up to 9 persons (duet, trio, quartet, etc.).
  • 1.2. The participants perform 2 folk songs with a total duration of up to 5 min.
  • 1.3. The accompaniment is on the choice of participants (singback, or orchestra up to 5 persons)

Large vocal groups and choirs performing folk songs

  • The minimum number of participants is 10.
  • The vocal groups shall perform 2 songs with a total duration of up to 5 min or a folklore custom of up to 6 min.
  • The accompaniment is optional, on the choice of participants – (singback, or orchestra up to 5 persons)

Large vocal groups and choirs performing pop, jazz or rock songs

  • The minimum number of participants is 10.
  • The vocal groups perform 2 songs with a total duration of up to 5 min.
  • The accompaniment is optional, on the choice of participants – (singback, or orchestra up to 5 persons)

Vocal groups performing original (author’s) songs

  •  The number of participants is up to 10 persons.
  • Participants perform 2 songs with a total duration of up to 5 min.
  • The accompaniment is singback or orchestra of up to 5 persons.


The prepared repertoire has to be indicated in the application: the title of the song, author, music (accompaniment- an instrumental or a CD), text, arrangement, duration, and need for time to change costumes).

Instrumental groups

  • The number of instrumental groups is up to 9 people.

  • The instrumental groups perform 2 /two/ pieces with a total duration of up to 5 min.

Orchestral performances

  • The number of participants is up to 10 people.
  • The orchestra performs 1 combined piece or 2 individual pieces with a total duration of up to 5 min.

    1st age group – up to 10 years of age
    2nd age group – up to 14 years of age
    3rd age group – up to 18 years of age


    Chamber Dance Groups

    • The number of participants in the chamber dance groups is up to 9 persons.
    • The chamber dances should be thematic or have a story, with a total duration of up to 5 minutes.

    Dance collectives

    • The number of participants is up to 35 persons.
    • The dance collectives present a program of up to 6 min.

    Ensembles (dance ensemble, choir, and orchestra)

    • The number of participants is up to 35 persons.
    • Ensembles present a program for up to 7 min.


    In the application form, indicate the name of the dance, choreography, staging, music (accompaniment – an instrumentalist or a CD), duration, and time needed to change costumes.


    1st age group – up to 10 years of age
    2nd age group – up to 14 years of age
    3rd age group – up to 18 years of age


    Individual performers – dancers

    • Participants in all age groups shall perform a program of up to 5 min.

    Chamber dance groups up to 9 people

    • Performers in the category Chamber Dance Groups from all age groups perform a program for up to 5 min.

    Dance collectives up to 35 people

    • Performers in the category Dance collectives from all age groups perform a program of up to 6 minutes


    In the application form, indicate the name of the dance, choreography, staging, music (accompaniment – instrumentalist or CD), duration, time needed for change of costumes.

    about the event


    GRAND PRIX – 1000 bgn

    Folklore Award – 500 BGN. Award for contemporary dance (modern ballet, street dance),
    hip-hop, character dance and classical ballet – 500 BGN

    II place

    I place

    III place

    I place

    II place

    III place

    About the event

    Awards at the festival

    First, second and third place by age groups and categories – for individual singers, instrumentalists, individual dancers, vocal groups, dance groups, ensembles, modern ballet, character dances, hip-hop, sports dances and classical ballet;

    Special awards for recreating a folklore tradition, original performance of authentic folklore; original choreography; Special award of the Charity Fund “Prof. Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov”; Special award of the Mineralni Bani Municipality; 

    Special award of the Union of Bulgarian Teachers; Special award of the Bulgarian Association of Dancers;

    Special awards of “Karnolsky” Art Center:
    ✔  Preferential participation fee for the International Festival “Magia Italiana” – 07-12.07.2024 );
    International Festival “Karnosky Summer Camp” – 24-29.08.2024 );
    The Crown of Orpheus" – Greece – 08-12.09.2024

    Award for the smallest and most talented participant – subject prize;

    Diploma for the participation of all performers.

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    about the event

    Jury – singers and instrumentalists

    Mimi Ivanova

    One of the leading Bulgarian pop singers of the last decades. She has participated in thousands of concerts and TV shows around the world. She has sung more than 500 songs and a significant part of her most successful songs were written by her husband, the composer Razvigor Popov. Mimi Ivanova left dozens of evergreen Bulgarian songs worthy of the “golden fund” of Bulgarian music. Together with her creative and life companion, Razvigor Popov, they created the ‘Razvigor’ Children’s Music School, where they train young talents.

    Neli Andreeva

    Long-time soloist of the National Folklore Ensemble “Philip Kutev”. Founder and conductor of the Nusha Choir. Lecturer at the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov.

    Daniel Spasov

    Editor at Balkanton Music Publishing House. Executive producer at the Bulgarian National Television since 1993. Daniel Spasov has realized hundreds of TV folklore shows, musical films and portraits of prominent singers and instrumentalists. He is author and host of the popular TV shows “Ot duma na duma” (From word to word) and “Ide nashenskata muzika” (There comes the music of our country). In 1994 his name was included in the world encyclopedia “Music of the World” (London). For many years he has been soloist of the world famous choir “The Mystery of Bulgarian Voices”.

    Snezhana Polihronova

    Karnolsky – Conductor, vocal pedagogue, pianist, director of the International Festivals: “Magia Italiana”, “Orpheus in Italy”, “Karnolsky Summer Camp”, “The Crown of Orpheus” (based in Greece), the National Competition “Path to Glory”. Artistic Director of the Vocal Group “Rainbow”.

    Jury – dancers

    Acad. Krasimir Petrov

    Choreographer and ethnographer, winner of the “Golden Century“ Award of the Ministry of Culture, the “Golden Lyre” and “Crystal Necklace” of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers for high creative achievements. President of the Association of Dance Artists.

    He has taught at the State Choreographic School in Sofia and has been a lecturer at higher schools such as the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts “Prof. Asen Diamandiev” – Plovdiv, Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”, New Bulgarian University and the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia. He has also taught at the Bolgrad High School “Georgi Rakovski ” – Ukraine.
    He is the author of five textbooks on Bulgarian folk dances. These books are the only ones of their kind in Bulgaria and are used by pupils and students in secondary and higher schools of dance art.
    He has also published the book “The Contribution of Bulgarian Choreographers to the Stage Representation of Folk Dances”, where he analyses the work of the most outstanding Bulgarian artists in the field of folklore-based choreography.

    Prof. Dr. Anton Andonov
    Prof. Dr. Anton Andonov – Deputy Rector of the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts “Prof. Asen Diamandiev” – Plovdiv and soloist of the Ensemble “Trakia” (Thrace).
    Tsvetanka Gerginova

    Creator of the contemporary dance methods Principle “ESPIRAL”. Tsvetanka Gerginova is graduate of the State School of Dance Art. She specialized in classical and modern dance in Palucca Schule and Cologne Tanz Akademie, Germany. Student of Margarita Gradechlieva and Susanna Borchers. One of the first modern dancers in Bulgaria, member of Studio “Ek”. Her graduates are among the leading dancers, teachers and choreographers in Bulgaria. She has been awarded by the Permanent Commission for Children, Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Sofia Municipality for her Contribution to the development of sport dance art in Bulgaria.

    Anatoly Klochkov

    Ballet Master -Teacher. From 1975 to 2002 he worked as a ballet master in the “Ensemble of the Construction Troops” – Sofia. Anatoly Klochkov is a laureate of national and international dance festivals and competitions. He is ballet master/choreographer of the TV films “What a crazy romp I am”, “Bulgarian God is Alive”, “The Sound of Silence”, which have been included in the golden fund of the Bulgarian National Television. Winner of the prestigious awards: the Order “Cyril and Methodius” II degree, the “Golden Lyre” and the “Crystal Necklace” of the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers, the “Golden Lyre” of the Union of Bulgarian Teachers. Nominated for the 2021 ICARUS Awards by the Union of Bulgarian Musicians and Dancers.

    Other requirements for participants:

    No changes are allowed on the spot in the approved script, regarding the order of the participants, as well as the replacement of one performance by another.

    Performances exceeding the time limit as per the regulations will be disqualified.

    Performances with obscene lyrics/texts and gestures will be disqualified by the jury.

    During the award ceremony, it is necessary for all participants in the Children’s Ethnofestival to have a representative present, in case of inability of everybody to attend.

    About the event

    Accompanying events:

    Master Class of Neli Andreeva – long-time soloist of the Philip Kutev National Folklore Ensemble. Founder and conductor of the Nusha Choir. Lecturer at the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov”.

    Presentation of traditional Bulgarian arts and crafts, with the assistance of the Association of Masters of Folk Arts and Crafts

    Culinary exhibitions;

    Other recreational and educational activities for children.

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    about the event

    Master Class of Neli Andreeva

    Neli Andreeva – long-time soloist of the Philip Kutev National Folklore Ensemble. Founder and conductor of the Nusha Choir. Lecturer at the National Music Academy “Prof. Pancho Vladigerov”.


    During the two festival days, participants will have the opportunity to learn a Bulgarian folk song, focusing on the specific ornamentation of the song. The participants who best performs the will have the opportunity to present it on the festival stage outside the competition programme.

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    About the event

    Regulation and financial conditions

    Regulations for participation

    • Children from 5 to 18 years of age – singers, instrumentalists, and dancers from the country and abroad – vocal groups, chamber groups, dance groups, ensembles, instrumental groups, orchestras, and individual performers, who have declared their wish to participate, are eligible to participate;

      Performers will compete in 3 (three) age groups:

      • First group – from 5 to 10 years of age
      • Second group – from 11 to 14 years
      • Third group – from 15 to 18 years

        Registration for participation should be made in electronic form at the link below by 10.04.2024.

        The registration of the participants is guaranteed by the participation fee paid to the following bank account:


        Charity Fund “Prof. Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov”
        IBAN: BG34UNCR76301010291100; BIC code UNCRBGSF;
        UniCredit Bulbank
        Reason – participation fee for …………………………………………………..(performer, dance group, collective)


        You need to submit the following materials and documents:

        • Send 2 photos of the performer by e-mail (individual, duet, trio or group) and a video clip of the performance, which can be a file or a link to a video;
        • Send the Declaration under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and the Declaration on Copyright Protection either by email – scanned with a signature, or you can hand in the declarations signed on paper at the registration point in the village of Mineralni bani.

        Contact persons

        For participants from Bulgaria:

        For participants from abroad:

        • Gergana Doynova – 35924010439; 359899331966; Fax: +359 2 988 5969; e-mail:


            The schedule (scenario) for the order of appearance of the participants shall be determined by the Organizing Committee. Participants will be informed of their order of performance by 20.05.2024.

            Participation fee

            For the organization and holding of the Children's Ethno Festival, the participants in the 21st International Children’s Ethno Festival from Bulgaria who are entitled to 1 night's accommodation shall pay a participation fee of BGN 35.00 per participant, including the musicians performing accompaniment. Participants from abroad who are entitled to 3 nights should pay a participation fee of BGN 50.00 per participant, including the musicians performing accompaniment to the following bank account:


            Charity Fund “Prof. Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov”
            IBAN: BG34UNCR76301010291100; BIC code UNCRBGSF;
            UniCredit Bulbank
            Reason – participation fee for …………………………………………………..(performer, dance group, collective)


            IMPORTANT NOTE:

            • Participants in the Ethnofestival who register by 10 March 2024 will have a discount of 5 BGN, i.e. for Bulgarian participants the preferential fee shall be 30 BGN, and for foreign participants 45 BGN (23 EUR).
            • The deadline for applications will be 15 April, those applying from 10 March to 15 April will pay the regular fee of BGN 35 for Bulgarian participants and BGN 50 (EUR 25.50) for foreign participants.
            • Those wishing to receive an invoice must pay the participation fee by bank transfer and provide details on the online application form of the legal entity (organization, community centre, cultural centre, etc.) or individual who made the payment.

            Financial information

            • The organizers cover 1 (one) night for the participants in the ethno festival from Bulgaria traveling from a distance of more than 100 km and 3 (three) nights (30 May, 31 May, and 1 June) for participants from abroad;
            • The organizers provide packed food (sandwiches) for breakfast, lunch and dinner, depending on the arrival and departure of the participants;

            The requirements for accompanying persons to children participants at the Festival are as follows:

            • For a group of up to 12 children – 1 leader, 1 accompanying person and 1 driver;
            • For a group of more than 12 children, the number of accompanying persons increases proportionally to the number of children;


            The organizers shall not cover accommodation costs of accompanying persons not included in the previously sent list with the names of participants and accompanying persons.


            In the case of identified material damage caused by the participants in the accommodation facilities, as well as bad discipline – responsibility will be sought from the leader of the group.

            About the event

            Sponsors and partners

            Studio Melodia is one of our partners and will film all the performances from the festival program. To preserve the moments of the stage appearance of the young artists, you can order a video of your child’s performance by filling in the video request form.


            Write us a message

            If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us in the most convenient way for you – we will answer you with pleasure!


            Sofia, Macedonia Square 1


            For participants from Bulgaria:
            Reni Dzhagalova – 02/4010423; 0884458554


            For participants from abroad:
            Gergana Doynova 35924010439; 359899331966


            For participants from Bulgaria:
            Reni Dzhagalova –;


            For participants from abroad:
            Gergana Doynova –

            time is running out







